B787.zip 9.45MB by Decaff Web Total PV:600 DL:120
Aircraft List
Aircraft | Type | Author | RegistrationDate |
[Decaff_42]_Blank_787-8 | B787 | Decaff | 2015/10/28 |
[Decaff_42]_Blank_787-9 | B787 | Decaff | 2015/10/28 |
[Decaff_42]_BLANK_787-10 | B787 | Decaff | 2015/10/28 |
[Decaff_42]_THOMSON_787-8 | B787 | Decaff | 2015/10/28 |
[Decaff_42]_CZ_787-8 | B787 | Decaff | 2015/10/28 |
[Decaff_42]_HAVA_787-8 | B787 | Decaff | 2015/10/28 |
[Decaff_42]_PAVA_787-9 | B787 | Decaff | 2015/10/28 |
[Decaff_42]_ANA_787-8_1 | B787 | Decaff | 2015/10/28 |
[Decaff_42]_ANA_787-8_2 | B787 | Decaff | 2015/10/28 |
[Decaff_42]_JAL_787-8 | B787 | Decaff | 2015/10/28 |
[Decaff_42]_QATAR_787-8 | B787 | Decaff | 2015/10/28 |
This 787 model was made from a google sketchup model I found, converted and significantly upgraded and edited. The lights are from CHF and the landing gear mesh from an FSX model, but also heavily edited by myself. The DAT files are originally from the HAVA B787 aircraft, but I have upgraded the range, weights and thrusts to better match the real life aircraft according to wikipedia and other sources. Included in this pack are three blank versions of the 787, the -8, -9 and -10. I have painted 8 787s for you to immediately fly. PAVA 787-9 HAVA 787-8 Qatar 787-8 Thomson 787-8 South China Airlines 787-8 All Nipon Airways (2x) 787-8 Japan Airlines 787-8 Permissions: Feel free to repaint the blank airplanes to your hearts content. Please credit Decaff_42 and CHF when you release the models.
Copyright © 2023 YSFINDER by yuichi